At first glance, in this image, you think you’re looking at a snowmobiler just about to get some air, with a camera fixed to his helmet. Agreed? What you don’t see, but makes all the difference between an unpleasant group outing and an amusing one, is this almost invisible communication system mounted to the left of my helmet. It’s the Uclear communication system! You know as well as I do that this is exactly what every snowmobiler needs: it must be small, user friendly and very effective.
Now, don’t go thinking there is a large foam microphone that constantly makes its way into your mouth! How does this mount inside the helmet, you ask? It’s really easy! Inside, there are two small headphones, one containing the microphone. Simply pass the wires behind the cheek pads and secure the headphones, with velcro, near the ears. As for the small receiver, it attaches itself to the exterior of the helmet thanks to a small but sturdy clip. This makes for easy removal when charging.
So how does this famous receiver work? Well it is as simple as 3 buttons: one to turn on/off, the other two to increase or decrease the volume.
Who is the typical user of the Uclear system?
Everyone… here is proof!
Among friends...
What is the thing we want most when out riding with friends or with a passenger? To be able to talk to one another! With Uclear, you can connect up to 10 devices together via Bluetooth. In addition, the communicators filter out background noises, that is to say we only hear the voice of the person, no wind or engine noise!
Uclear makes it possible to share beautiful moments with friends while riding a snowmobile, but also prevents the people behind us from potential danger.
For the guides...
As a guide, you often have to deal with less experienced riders. It goes without saying that you must constantly tell them to watch out for this, be careful here, to look at the scenery there. Having Uclear communicators limits last minute breaking and / or unnecessary stops to talk to your customers.
For the lone snowmobiler...
We tend to think that these accessories are designed for a minimum of two people and this is normal.
Although, where Uclear becomes of interest for a solo rider is the Bluetooth technology, as stated above. When Bluetooth is mentioned, usually means the product is smartphone compatible. In fact it is! You can connect your smartphone with the Uclear system to listen to your music when you engage in your favorite sport! In addition to everything, there is even an integrated phone feature with voice command to answer your calls, hands-free. Even alone, you will not be alone!
For more information on Uclear products, visit their website or ask your nearest Kimpex retailer.